Focus on what is important while we manage your no-so-fun stuff.

bithut crm lead module


  • Lead Management: Check the status of your lead track the status on various stages of the funnel.
  • Customer History: Record and keep track of all the corresponding with those contacts
  • Performance Management: Set up Targets for your salesperson and track their Target vs Achievement KPI

Beautiful HRM

  • Profile: Get all your employee information in One place, in a beautiful and user-friendly way.
  • Attendance: Attendance Report for Individual or collective across your whole organization with multiple shifting
  • Leave Management: Flexible Leave Management with Approval System and useful reporting
  • Payroll Management: Easy to Configure your Payroll & Automatic monthly Salary Generation
  • Appraisal: Brilliant and Flexible Performance Appraisal Solution
bithut erp bitflow expense module

Accounting Module

  • Store all your operational expense for monthly expense report
  • Keep Track of your Vendor Payment and Invoices
  • Profit Loss Reports

Automatic Invoicing

  • Service Management: Create Service Order based on your products and services to display a management report
  • Automatic Invoice: Generate Automatic Monthly Invoices, and track payment against them
  • Split Invoice: Business usually splits their Payment against Invoices; you can split invoices as well and collect split payments!
bithut billing and invoice module

Flexible Reporting

  • Effective Dashboards
  • You can forecast based on your available lead and monthly recurring revenue, an amazingly handy tool!
  • At the end of the day, this is what counts, how much money you are making. Our Flexible Reporting and Dashboard gives you an amazing view of your business health
bitflow customer portal

Customer Portal

  • Integrate Payment Gateway so that your customers can pay their payment from their Personal Portal
  • Raise Tickets from Customer Portal

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